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Thursday, May 30, 2013

REAL Post-College Blog Talk

I'm back after yet another hiatus and let me tell you I am quite upset. Please excuse me if this is not oozing with comical relief as much as previous posts, but if you enjoy reading the mental breakdown of a young lady then stay tuned.

In the past 6 months after college, I have had some really awesome (and really embarrassing) experiences. I even fulfilled more than 20% of my dreamboard. As a sidenote, dreamboards are actually quite magical things and I encourage everyone to make one.

I have been about to travel to see my friends twice, as well as host people in my great hometown. I have lived with amazing people and have kept a job since 2 weeks after graduating. I was even offered 3 jobs at once! In a pretty crappy economy, I am actually doing pretty well.I am truly grateful for all that I have.

But the spoiled millennial in me has to find some way to complain or else my body will cease functionality. It's not like I want to feel as though no matter how well I am doing, I not doing THE BEST or whatever, I just constantly strive for something that might need patience. But I'm too young to be that rational.

At least once a week I occupy my time with twenty-something blog posts about people feeling the same way. But they are not the same as me. Because their complaints involve feeling lonely in their OWN APARTMENT or being treated like a child at their FULL-TIME JOB. And I just want to scream AT LEAST YOU HAVE THOSE THINGS - which is ironic in itself because there are recent grads reading this right now thinking they at least had some of the things I have.

Yeah I live at home but it's not on the street. Yeah I have to wear a uniform at work but it's still a job. I have my own car. Things are okay, but they aren't great. They are not I-just-graduated-and-I-am-living-the-dream great.

And right now it's fine, I just feel like a very successful 16 year old. There are people in my circle who are getting married and popping out babies MULTIPLE BABIES. And I'm just sitting here looking at a cardboard representation of my dreams.

I guess I just wanted to say that while we all want to just stop and throw a pity party for ourselves at times, all we can do is relish in what we do have and try to be grown-ups about it. It's what we are striving for anyway - right?

That being said, grown-ups can still jump on the bed, eat copious amounts of candy, and participate in  general shenanigan-like situations.

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